The Governing Body of St Anne's CofE Primary school is made up of volunteers from the school and wider community. Their role is to oversee the strategic direction of the school. The committee is made up of Foundation Governors that are approved by the Diocese of Ely, Parent Governors elected by the parent body and local authority representatives approved by the local authority.
The Co-Chairs can be contacted via email:
Vicki Wienand -
Joe Gilbert -
Mrs Vicki Wienand
Co-Chair of Governors
Mr Joe Gilbert
Co-Chair of Governors - Safeguarding Lead Governor
Mr Simon Williams
Foundation Governor
Rev David Busk
Foundation Governor
Mrs Angela Wright
Foundation Governor
Mr Simon Clarke
Foundation Governor
Mrs Rebecca Cockman
Foundation Governor
Mr Mark Harvey
Foundation Governor
Mrs Anja Townsley - Busk
Foundation Governor
Mrs Elvina Leacock
Parent Governor
Mr Bob Hurd
Foundation Governor
Mrs Jacqueline McCamphill
Mrs Jacqueline McCamphill
Finance Governor
Mrs Madeline Underwood
Parent Governor
Instrument of Governance:
The Instrument of Governance is a legal document which records the constitution of the governing board, including the term of office for each governor and the name of the school.
Attendance at Meetings:
The document below outlines the attendance of governors at Full Governing Body meetings this academic year.
Details of Governor appointments and register of interests: