Class 3

Class 3 Teachers

Mr Rhodes is one of two teachers in Class 3. Mr Rhodes teaches in the Class on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He is also the English Leader in the school. Mr Rhodes says that he loves helping the children to become more independent in their learning as they move through Class 3.  

Mrs Rees teaches in Class 3 on a Friday. She has worked at the school for many years and is the Music Leader across the school. In her spare time she plays in an orchestra and just loves all things 'musical'. She really enjoys working with the children and helping them develop their confidence as they grow. 

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello and welcome to Year 3!
We are very excited and forward to the year ahead with our fantastic group of Year 3 children. Not only are they in a new class but a whole new Key Stage. There are exciting opportunities that we will have as we move forward in our learning. We will all be working together to make sure that we are confident as we face new tasks and challenges.
We hope our children will be happy in Year 3 and enjoy all the learning experiences we have to offer.


Our current PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure that children come to school wearing their PE kits on these days. 

As a school, we encourage children to be safe online. Below are some websites to support this at home. 

NSPCC online safety

Think you know 4-7 years

Think you know 8-10 years




 Year 3 Topics

Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term, we will begin our exciting History topic, Through the Ages, focusing on life from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Our Geography topic, Rocks, Relics and Rumbles will include learning about earthquakes and volcanoes. In Science we will also be learning about rocks as well as developing scientific enquiry skills. RE lessons will focus on Christianity, including Creation and People of God. In Art, we will focus on drawing, and in DT, food and nutrition. English includes narrative writing, recount and instructions, and maths topics will include place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Spring Term
In the Spring Term we will continue with our History and Geography topics of Through the Ages and Stone Age to Iron Age, before beginning our new topics about the Ancient Romans (Emperors and Empires), and One Planet – Our World. In Science, we will learn about Forces, and Animals including humans. Our topics in Art and DT will be Fabric of Nature and Pneumatic Toys. RE lessons will continue to focus on people of God, as well as salvation. English writing topics will include narrative , poetry and reports, and in maths we will be learning about multiplication and division, length and perimeter, mass and capacity and fractions.
Summer Term
In the Summer Term we will continue with our History and Geography topics of Emperors and Empires, and One Planet – Our World. Science topics will be Plants and Light, and in Art we will learn about sculpture. In DT pupils will be constructing a castle! The RE topic will be focused on Sikhism, learning about stories and communities. English will include narrative and report writing as well as poetry and explanation. Maths will include learning about fractions, money, time, shape and statistics.