Class 4
Class 4 Teacher
Class 4 Support Staff
Welcome to Class 4
'Let all that you do be done in love' - 1 Corinthians 16:14
Spring Term
We are so excited to see members of St Anne’s back in the New Year and ready for this exciting, new chapter in their learning journey. This term we will be diving further into our Geography topic 'Interconnected Worlds' as well as exploring some new topic areas in other foundation subjects.
PE days for Autumn term in Class 4 will be Thursday and Friday afternoons so please make sure that your child comes into school wearing their PE kits.
Class 4's timetable will jam-packed with lots of new topics, including 'Animals including Humans' in Science where we will learn about the human digestive system and how to keep our teeth healthy. For RE this term, we will be moving further along in the Christian calendar by looking at our Gospel and Salvation units in 'Understanding Christianity'. In Spanish, we will be expanding our vocabulary with the topic 'Presenting myself'.
Spring 1 Timetable
Spring 2 Timetable
Here are some useful links to help support e-safety for both parents and pupils:
What Class 4 got up to in the Autumn term...
Here are some photos from our class trip to West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village for our Invasions topic in History.