
Before applying for a primary school place, we recommend that you read the First Steps booklet (below). This will explain the application process from start to finish. The booklet also contains a list of all the primary schools in Cambridgeshire, along with their catchment areas and allocation criteria. You may also wish to consult our Admissions Policy, see below.

Places for the Foundation Stage Class are offered to children in the year in which they have their fifth birthday. St Anne’s Church of England Primary School services children from the catchment area which is the parish of Godmanchester, including the Roman’s Edge development.

First Steps Booklet

Admissions Policy

If you are thinking of sending your child/children to our school, you are very welcome to come and have a look around and meet the staff and headteacher.  Please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Tel: 01480 375 300 or email

Parents wishing to send their child/ren to St Anne's C of E Primary School should complete an application form (available from Cambridgeshire County Council admissions website) and return it to the admissions office at Shire Hall. Please note that this process is the same for Key Stage 1 and 2 children and for those who may wish to transfer their children from another school.

Contact number for admissions:  0345 045 1370

Link to Cambridgeshire County Admissions Team