PSHE - Personal, Social, Health Education
Curriculum Intention
Our intention is that, when children leave St Anne’s, they will do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society. We want our children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it.
Through the delivery of PSHE, we intend to further St Anne’s aims to prepare children for life in modern Britain, developing children’s capacity to nurture their own physical and mental health, develop positive personal values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions and behavior.
Our approach to the teaching of PSHE supports our duties relating to Keeping Children Safe in Education, Equality Act 2010, SEND, promoting fundamental British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development.
How we teach PSHE
PSHE at St Anne’s is implemented using the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service planning programme which is used throughout the school. It covers all areas of the PSHE curriculum, including the statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education.
PSHE is taught weekly following different topics each half term. These topics develop as the children move through the school with them being taught, on average, every two years (with the exception anti bullying and statutory subjects such as RSE, which are taught yearly). Various cross curricular opportunities are built upon such as links with ICT (E Safety), Science and Religious Education.
There are a variety of opportunities for children to be involved in PSHE outside of discreet lessons, including Collective Worship, in which a number of themes are covered. Children are also involved in electing House Captains and students for a child-led School Council, participate in joint activities with different year groups, school trips and welcome different visitors into the school.
Throughout the school day, the St Anne’s Spirit - the school’s pastoral ethos - supports the teaching of PSHE by being constantly referred to and modelled by adults
The impact of what we teach
By the time children leave St Anne’s, we believe our PSHE curriculum will have allowed them to develop the vocabulary and confidence needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings in a climate of openness, trust and respect. Children shall understand what is meant by ‘resilience’ and attain the ability to bounce back from life’s everyday challenges.
We will enable children to become confident, tolerant and well-rounded teenagers and adults who can approach a range of real-life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help them to navigate modern life, building up tolerance and a sense of responsibility. Children shall be able to practise the process of self-care and also positively contribute to society while respecting all diversities around them.
PSHE Curriculum coverage across the school
RSE - Relationship and Sex Education
In school, we aim to help children to learn to respect themselves and others and move safely and confidently from childhood, through adolescence, into adulthood. We deliver much of this work through Relationships and Health Education, which are statutory parts of the broader subject, PSHE. As part of our programme, we provide Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). This programme begins as soon as children arrive in school and continues until the end of secondary school. You can find a copy of the schools RSE Policy below.
We are very aware that the RSE we deliver in school is only a small part of children’s learning about their bodies, keeping safe, emotions, relationships, sexual behaviour, sexuality, sexual health and themselves. The majority of children’s learning in this area takes place with you at home.
We hope that the school's RSE policy and the leaflets below give you some more information about our partnership in developing children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes relating to RSE. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.
Talking to Children about RSE - Parent Leaflet
The school regularly consults with parents regarding the delivery of RSE and the school's RSE Policy. We have attached the slides of the last parent consultation to give more detail about what RSE covers and a sample of what is taught in each year group.
Slides from Parent Consult on RSE
You may also find the following links useful
DFE information on RSE teaching in Primary Schools
DFE Guides for Parents relating to RSE teaching in Primary Schools.
Health Education Policy
At St Anne's, our Health Education Policy is designed to inspire joy, foster respect, build resilience, and spark creativity in every student. We provide engaging, age-appropriate lessons that promote physical health, mental well-being, and personal safety, empowering children to make informed and positive choices. By embracing these core values, we create a nurturing environment where students not only learn about healthy habits but also grow into confident, compassionate, and innovative individuals ready to thrive in every aspect of life.
The following frameworks show where RSE and Health Education threads through the PSHE Curriculum.